Lets Talk About Music, Lets Talk About Life, and Lets Talk About Love... Cause Its All One Big Circle
Friday, February 25, 2011
What A Week!!!
So my body decided to give up on me this week. I had a flu y'all and it wasn't nice. I Felt like Pure Canned "S" for almost the whole week. I'm currently on a Progresso+ClubCrackers diet. I'm grateful cause it could have been worse. I decided on what im gonna wear to this banquet. All I have to say is SMH, but im low-key excited about this weekend. Pray 4 me guys cuz I'm still tryna kick this flu's Butt!
MUSIC: this week I've been getting a high dosage of Arabian Music. This kind of music I very....Different(in a good way). The musicians have a different way of thinking. I had to learn a couple arabian tunes for the banquet(which I'm also playing for) S/O to my date who's letting me do the gig. If you are going to the banquet, you are in for a musical treat. I'll be sharing the stage with some talented Musicians ( @eramey85, @KPFlymusic, and @LDBtre)<= follow them on Twtr!
"#Relationships The rite person'll bring out the best in you & clean out the rest in you. The wrong person'll turn you into the wrong person." - @PastorYPJ<= follow him.
That quote really hit home for me this morning. Take time
And think about the people in your life. This doesn't only apply to dating but also friends. If you surround yourself with negative minded PPL, guess what!!! You will end up thinking negatively! Now if you surround yourself with positive minded folk..... You get the point. Be blessed Folks!
- DrSuS
Monday, February 21, 2011
Finally Here!
Today I finally received my JBL Eon 515!!!!! I was supposed to receive it since last Wednesday but UPS was Failing at life! I'm loving the frequency responses on the baby(Especially the Low end). I'm gonna leave the Harke amp at home. Its a beautiful piece of equipment!
The next investment for live applications would be to invest the Akai SynthStation 49! It connects to my iPad! I want to also start running a sequencer off the iPad! That would be a perfect solution for click tracks!

For studio applications, I'm getting a UA610 Tube Pre. It's about that time to step up on My MicPre game!

Saturday, my boy Tommy, one of the members of Committed", took me out to get some Banquet Attire....it was a couple points away from a fail! We managed to get a shirt and tie, which it only about 40% of the outfit... I hope this works out by Friday. Pray for me folk!
- DrSuS
Today I finally received my JBL Eon 515!!!!! I was supposed to receive it since last Wednesday but UPS was Failing at life! I'm loving the frequency responses on the baby(Especially the Low end). I'm gonna leave the Harke amp at home. Its a beautiful piece of equipment!
The next investment for live applications would be to invest the Akai SynthStation 49! It connects to my iPad! I want to also start running a sequencer off the iPad! That would be a perfect solution for click tracks!

For studio applications, I'm getting a UA610 Tube Pre. It's about that time to step up on My MicPre game!

Saturday, my boy Tommy, one of the members of Committed", took me out to get some Banquet Attire....it was a couple points away from a fail! We managed to get a shirt and tie, which it only about 40% of the outfit... I hope this works out by Friday. Pray for me folk!
- DrSuS
Friday, February 18, 2011
15 things i take for granted
When I'm feeling Down, I always think about where I could have been if not for the grace of God. I never could understand the the phrase "Praise Him through the good and through the "bad". It makes sense when you have the mindset of "my situation is better than a lot". I.E- i'm gonna praise God even if my car were to break down cause God blessed me with legs that are fully functioning. You can never stop praising God! Here are 15 things I take for granted:
1. Blessed with Life
2. Waking up in the morning
3. Ability to walk
4. Sight
5. Hearing
6. Disease Free
7 A roof over my head
8. Sources of Income (Jobs)
9. Access to bread and water
10. Blessed with a vehicle
11. opportunity to an education
12. Blessed with family and friends
13. Blessed with Musical Gifts
14. Luxury of having a phone, computer, Internet, TV, etc (if u kno me)
15. Blessed with the blood of the lamb that covers me
Every morning that I wake up, I have something to smile about. God never stops blessing. We can't see it because of our sinful nature. Next time when you're feel down, think about the things we overlook and take for granted. Be Blessed!
#NP Another Way- Jonathan Nelson
- DrSuS
When I'm feeling Down, I always think about where I could have been if not for the grace of God. I never could understand the the phrase "Praise Him through the good and through the "bad". It makes sense when you have the mindset of "my situation is better than a lot". I.E- i'm gonna praise God even if my car were to break down cause God blessed me with legs that are fully functioning. You can never stop praising God! Here are 15 things I take for granted:
1. Blessed with Life
2. Waking up in the morning
3. Ability to walk
4. Sight
5. Hearing
6. Disease Free
7 A roof over my head
8. Sources of Income (Jobs)
9. Access to bread and water
10. Blessed with a vehicle
11. opportunity to an education
12. Blessed with family and friends
13. Blessed with Musical Gifts
14. Luxury of having a phone, computer, Internet, TV, etc (if u kno me)
15. Blessed with the blood of the lamb that covers me
Every morning that I wake up, I have something to smile about. God never stops blessing. We can't see it because of our sinful nature. Next time when you're feel down, think about the things we overlook and take for granted. Be Blessed!
#NP Another Way- Jonathan Nelson
- DrSuS
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Love and Physics
I was on a mission, and I had to make a decision but some how I fell into the submission of love.
I had the key in the ignition, but yet I had an altered transition cause mentally I was stuck in the mud.
I thought I was moving cause the tires were rotating but I wasn't going anywhere.
So I decided to go to the trunk of my life to find a spare.
And there laid something more than just a spare.
Doubtfully I had to stare,
I took the time to analyze
Then I had to finalize
that I realized
By and by the morning came and we watched the sunrise.
And so i came to see,
That in reality,
There was kenetic and potential energy,
And so i was movin....
- DrSuS
I was on a mission, and I had to make a decision but some how I fell into the submission of love.
I had the key in the ignition, but yet I had an altered transition cause mentally I was stuck in the mud.
I thought I was moving cause the tires were rotating but I wasn't going anywhere.
So I decided to go to the trunk of my life to find a spare.
And there laid something more than just a spare.
Doubtfully I had to stare,
I took the time to analyze
Then I had to finalize
that I realized
By and by the morning came and we watched the sunrise.
And so i came to see,
That in reality,
There was kenetic and potential energy,
And so i was movin....
- DrSuS
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Staying In the Pocket
What does it mean to stay in the pocket. I think this is one of those questions a lot of musicians can't answer. My take on the Pocket, since you asked, is the element of feeling *Good*. Let's take a drummer for an example. The drummers job is to establish the groove and to control the intensity of the overall feel rhythmically. This is my technical definition of "Pocket" in a drumming perspective. Here great example of a Super Solid Pocket. And it feels good too!
Ask yourself, what motivates you to play in a band. Is it about you? Is it about all your flashy chops? These thing can take away from the established Groove. Music needs to be felt as opposed to just being heard.
A musician becomes great when He/She know how to utilize the Pocket. BTW folks, Pocket Pays!
- DrSuS
Ask yourself, what motivates you to play in a band. Is it about you? Is it about all your flashy chops? These thing can take away from the established Groove. Music needs to be felt as opposed to just being heard.
A musician becomes great when He/She know how to utilize the Pocket. BTW folks, Pocket Pays!
- DrSuS
Take the time
It's the thought that counts folks. I went to Walmart sunday night to do some last minute materials shopping. While I was there, I saw some ridiculous Valentines Day gifts. I asked myself "why would I buy a caca gift from Walmart that every other girl in Huntsville probably has". NewsFlash Fellas, A bear with a box of diabetes gets old. Do something original and fresh! Last week I decided instead of just simply pulling out my wallet and buying a typical gift, I'm going to make a gift from scratch! After the long hours of brainstorming, shopping for materials, and the painful hot glue-gun action, with the help of my Good friend, I was able to make a personalized V-Day Gift Basket for that special Somebody ;). If you want to show that special person you love her and that you really care, then take some time out from your "Busy" schedule (Call of Duty) and be creative. Don't just let your wallet do all the work! USE SOME BRAIN POWER! => check out this link for the making of the Vday gift => http://gallery.me.com/samuel.b.alexandre/100021
And may the Lord make you increase and abound in love to one another and to all, just as we do to you. . .But concerning brotherly love you have no need that I should write to you, for you yourselves are taught by God to love one another. (1 Thessalonians 3:12; 4:9)<= unpack at => http://www.blackaby.org/devarchive.asp
This morning I had a champions Breakfast, can't wait till I'm able to cook for you in the morning! *Lmao* eggs, Grits, Bacon and pancakes...

Today, I Got a 93% on my Music History Exam! I usually wouldn't get any higher than a "C" on MUHistory Exams. God is Great!!!!
A little over a month ago, I decided to attend my "First Ever" formal event(USM Banquet). I've never been to a homecoming dance or Prom etc. This is gonna be a first. I usually end up getting contracted to be apart of the musical entertainment. I didn't realize the challenge that followed my decision. GETTING THE RIGHT OUTFIT! *Image consultant desperately needed* Color=Sage. The banquet is FEB 27th 2011. HELP!
It's the thought that counts folks. I went to Walmart sunday night to do some last minute materials shopping. While I was there, I saw some ridiculous Valentines Day gifts. I asked myself "why would I buy a caca gift from Walmart that every other girl in Huntsville probably has". NewsFlash Fellas, A bear with a box of diabetes gets old. Do something original and fresh! Last week I decided instead of just simply pulling out my wallet and buying a typical gift, I'm going to make a gift from scratch! After the long hours of brainstorming, shopping for materials, and the painful hot glue-gun action, with the help of my Good friend, I was able to make a personalized V-Day Gift Basket for that special Somebody ;). If you want to show that special person you love her and that you really care, then take some time out from your "Busy" schedule (Call of Duty) and be creative. Don't just let your wallet do all the work! USE SOME BRAIN POWER! => check out this link for the making of the Vday gift => http://gallery.me.com/samuel.b.alexandre/100021
And may the Lord make you increase and abound in love to one another and to all, just as we do to you. . .But concerning brotherly love you have no need that I should write to you, for you yourselves are taught by God to love one another. (1 Thessalonians 3:12; 4:9)<= unpack at => http://www.blackaby.org/devarchive.asp
This morning I had a champions Breakfast, can't wait till I'm able to cook for you in the morning! *Lmao* eggs, Grits, Bacon and pancakes...

Today, I Got a 93% on my Music History Exam! I usually wouldn't get any higher than a "C" on MUHistory Exams. God is Great!!!!
A little over a month ago, I decided to attend my "First Ever" formal event(USM Banquet). I've never been to a homecoming dance or Prom etc. This is gonna be a first. I usually end up getting contracted to be apart of the musical entertainment. I didn't realize the challenge that followed my decision. GETTING THE RIGHT OUTFIT! *Image consultant desperately needed* Color=Sage. The banquet is FEB 27th 2011. HELP!
First Official Blog *Repost*
Welcome to my first Blog. Happy Valentines day. Check out this clip. It's simple. Music, Life, and Love. My take, ur comments and Suggestions. Enjoy and thanks for your support!
This morning I woke up listening to "Funeste Piaggie" by Jacopo Peri from the opera "Euridice"(For all you music Historians. I had a Listening test in my music history class so I decided to indulge in the Repertoire before class (Passed BTw). I've been stuck on Jonathan Nelson's latest CD "Better Days" for the past month. It a Great album to get you going on your day. Get your copy today!

I also ordered a JBL Eon 515. I plan replacing the Hartke keyboard amp that own. Better sound! Excited!

LIFE: Today I decided to start blogging. Consistency is key so I will do my best to keep these blogs current. LIFE! Huntsville utilities is out of control with these bills. I looked at my bill today and it said I owed $522.00. WTH! Did some investigation and found out that they were estimating Energy usage instead of coming out to read the damn meter. It's a fail on their end cause they taking the money-cheese(I'm not pay what I didn't use). Today turned out to be a good day and I hope tomorrow will be as great!
LOVE: Today is Valentines Day so happy valentines!!! I never had a Valentines in life until today (*FistPump* and ill leave it at that). Feels good to have one, but before today, I was content. There's nothing like the Love of God folks. Nothing is better than someone having unconditional love for you. Be happy and content with the love of God, and at the same time, tell somebody about God's Love! Share that happiness with someone in need of that love!
- DrSuS
Posted By Dr.Sus to MuSicLiFe&LoVe at 2/14/2011 07:59:00 PM
- DrSuS
This morning I woke up listening to "Funeste Piaggie" by Jacopo Peri from the opera "Euridice"(For all you music Historians. I had a Listening test in my music history class so I decided to indulge in the Repertoire before class (Passed BTw). I've been stuck on Jonathan Nelson's latest CD "Better Days" for the past month. It a Great album to get you going on your day. Get your copy today!

I also ordered a JBL Eon 515. I plan replacing the Hartke keyboard amp that own. Better sound! Excited!

LIFE: Today I decided to start blogging. Consistency is key so I will do my best to keep these blogs current. LIFE! Huntsville utilities is out of control with these bills. I looked at my bill today and it said I owed $522.00. WTH! Did some investigation and found out that they were estimating Energy usage instead of coming out to read the damn meter. It's a fail on their end cause they taking the money-cheese(I'm not pay what I didn't use). Today turned out to be a good day and I hope tomorrow will be as great!
LOVE: Today is Valentines Day so happy valentines!!! I never had a Valentines in life until today (*FistPump* and ill leave it at that). Feels good to have one, but before today, I was content. There's nothing like the Love of God folks. Nothing is better than someone having unconditional love for you. Be happy and content with the love of God, and at the same time, tell somebody about God's Love! Share that happiness with someone in need of that love!
- DrSuS
Posted By Dr.Sus to MuSicLiFe&LoVe at 2/14/2011 07:59:00 PM
- DrSuS
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