Today I finally received my JBL Eon 515!!!!! I was supposed to receive it since last Wednesday but UPS was Failing at life! I'm loving the frequency responses on the baby(Especially the Low end). I'm gonna leave the Harke amp at home. Its a beautiful piece of equipment!
The next investment for live applications would be to invest the Akai SynthStation 49! It connects to my iPad! I want to also start running a sequencer off the iPad! That would be a perfect solution for click tracks!

For studio applications, I'm getting a UA610 Tube Pre. It's about that time to step up on My MicPre game!

Saturday, my boy Tommy, one of the members of Committed", took me out to get some Banquet was a couple points away from a fail! We managed to get a shirt and tie, which it only about 40% of the outfit... I hope this works out by Friday. Pray for me folk!
- DrSuS
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