What's Good PPLs! It's the end of the "Summer Vacation" (really not a vacation) and it's time to bring this undergrad career to a close with this new school year coming up in a weeks. This semester is gonna be a tough one. I'm praying and claiming my bachelors degree in Music Theory&Composition(finally). This summer was a bit different then all the others. I was out of town every other week, traveled with my girlfriend, car broke down but God blessed me with a new one, but most of all, The Lord revealed a lot to me. I'm becoming an old geezer and time isn't slowing down for me. Once school is over, in the words of Naturalrox, it's real life! One main thing I learned is if you trust in God and submit your life to his will, he will take your life to the next level. Therefore the only thing I need to worry about is my spiritual walk with him. This summer, I also decided to challenge myself by adopting a healthy lifestyle. Which includes: Healthy diet, Exercise, Adequate water, and a good sleeping habit. I realized that if you take care of your body, your body will take care of you (ur mind). Ever since I made the change to a more healthy lifestyle, I've become more focus, more receptive, and I have more energy throughout a day. I believe as Christians we ought to take care and maintain the temple of God (our bodies). Guys, Pray for me as I walk this last mile this year. It's about to be a "long but short one" lol.
Also, I thank God for blessing me with such a wonderful girlfriend. I'm not the mushy type but I love her so much. She a blessing in my life and I appreciate her being in my life. This summer, a good portion of my family got to meet her and they love her(BTW I am referring to Tiffany aka "Naturalrox" on twtr). This was just a S/O to God for manifesting himself through human relationships!

I got a few request on the iPad Track machine stunts I've been pulling lately so musicians, this clip is for you!
- DrSuS
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